Today I'd like to officially announce we are in fact taking applications for the TMS Summer Intern Program.
We're looking for 1 or 2 motivated bloggers that would like to come aboard and begin writing for an "established" Cubs blog.
- Have you ever wanted to write for a blog but haven't found the time or know-how to get up and running?
- Have you in the past, or currently wrote your own personal blog but have become discouraged by the lack of traffic/notice your work is receiving, or have you burned out trying to single-handedly keep fresh content up?
Excited? Well you f'n should be! Let's go over some of the rules and criteria for the Intern program.
- This is not a paid internship, in fact we'll probably try to bum money off of you.
- You cannot receive college credit for this, although Tommy Buzanis still has his part-time gig teaching 'home gun repair' at night school, but that's neither here nor there.
- Must be 21 years of age to be considered.
- Must have a good sense of humor and not be easily offended or insulted.
- Must be a fan of the Chicago Cubs.
- Must have a solid base of pop culture knowledge in some capacity (i.e. music, movies, books, televison, comic books, s&m pornography, etc.).
- Must be committed to writing at least 1 blog post a week minimum.
- Internship will go from June until the end of the Cubs season.
- Once internship is complete the possibility for a full-time gig at TMS will be determined.
- Must have a Gmail account.
- Must possess competent writing skills.
- Must be able to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon without complaint or remorse for your liver and colon.
- Accepted interns will receive an official Thunder Matt's Saloon Intern t-shirt*.
*shirt may be substituted with a glass of scotch or some other various item of our choosing.
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