Beers will be consumed, chest hair will be exposed, frat guys will be ridiculed, bands will be discussed, women will be oogled, twenties will be broken, farts will be deadly, Ron Burgandy quotes will be made, naps will be taken, DVDs will go half watched, toilets will be clogged, the 'one cover charge' per night rule will be in effect, juke box selections will be haggled over, Cubs games will be attended, iTunes will be put on shuffle, hangovers will be reluctantly tolerated, and deep, meaningful conversations will be forgotten the next day thanks to that 'one more' tequila shot.

That being said, on Saturday the Cubs will be facing off against the Pirates and I'll be in the bleachers. I'm certainly open to any 'Chris Duffy heckle suggestions' anyone may have. He seems like he would be a relatively easy target to fluster. Like preying on a sick gazelle.
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