Just because they captured a hand in this picture of Shawn Johnson doesn't necessarily mean it was my hand. That would be wrong. (SI)
I don't see what the big deal is. The guy clearly owns a broom and an ironing board. (Houston Imports)
“We just got informed by Mirko Cro Cop’s corner that his right testicle is inside.” No thank you. (MMA Mania)
A huge pig trapped a woman in her home in Australia. The pig was just doing his part in keeping those criminals under control. (BBC News)
Sarah Palin said some things. (The Anonymous LIberal)
Dude, you had a monobrow right in the middle of your forehead. (Funny or Die)
Sometimes SFW porn is much better than NSFW porn. (Break)
Holy Crap (Washington Times)
Discover what you would look like as a pudgy chinaman, dreamy prom date, or dirty hippie. (Yearbook Yourself)
9 Life Lessons Every Guy Can Learn From Goodfellas. (Screen Junkies)
It looks like the Cubs are set to play the wild card. (YouTube)
This crappy economy is even having an effect on girls just trying to earn some money to pay for school. God bless 'em. (Wall$treet Fighter)
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