The Mustache Diaries - Day 12

January 12, 2008 | Comments (0) | by Chaim Witz

In a futile and ill-advised attempt to gain the respect of firefighters and police officers everywhere, as well as to inject some much needed testosterone into my aura, I've decided to try to grow a mustache. I will chronicle the impending fallout. This is my story.

DAY 12

Comments: I'm cold and scared. Question. When I want to shave that atrocity on my chin to form a stache, how do I go about doing that? Just a normal razor? I imagine it's to the point where it would really hurt, possibly scarring me for life, both emotionally and physically. Do I need to buy an electric razor/beard trimmer? Aren't those things expensive? What have I gotten myself into? I feel the sudden urge to hunt wild game.