That having been said, I have my favorite moments where Ron has gone off on a few tangents beyond just accusing Pat of conspiring with the front office to win the guess the attendance game. He once talked about how many pillows he liked to use for sleeping saying that one big pillow is much better than two smaller pillows. One time at Cincinnati someone moved the extra fan that he used to blow air on the back of his neck and he kept going on and on about how much he missed it. Another time he tried to list off all the players he could think of with two words in their last name and his list went something like this:
1. Tom Goodwin
2. Jeff Bagwell
3. Tom Goodwin
Finally I remember Ron commenting on the seagulls buzzing around the Wrigley outfield and Pat asked him if he thought there was any chance they were the same ones that "attacked" him in San Francisco the week before. I don't know what happened on the beach but Ron really thought there was a chance that those birds had tracked him down. In light of tonight's tough loss, I thought a pick-me-up was in order so feel free to chime in with any personal favorites you might have.
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